Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Just a quick hello to remind everyone who reads this blog that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  I'm just up to my eyeballs (pun totally intended) with notes, study guides, flashcards, and practice quizzes to help me prepare for Part I of my national board certification.  The big days are Tuesday and Wednesday March 19th and 20th. That means just a little over a week more of preparation, and then it's time to tango with FIVE HUNDRED QUESTIONS!  Whew.  Prayers appreciated :-D.

Anyway, I'm also hoping to try a new "diet" after the NBEO (National Board of Examiners in Optometry) exam.  I put the word diet in quotes because I feel like that word is associated with weight loss goals, which isn't what I'm going for.  I just want a healthier lifestyle where I feel more comfortable in my skin, more confident and more energetic.  Healthy living has always been a passion of mine, but talking the talk is MUCH easier than walking the walk, and I just want to see the results that all my hard work at the gym should be generating.  But the problem is with unending stress (studying for tests, trying to figure out where to spend the tail end of my 4th year, and the anxiety of clinic) my eating habits are not conducive for my goals.  So once boards are over, I should have a little more time to breath, clean the apartment and prepare meals/snacks.  I would like to try and significantly limit the amount of processed foods I consume, and see what happens.  The "clean eating" lifestyle is quite a trend/fad right now, but I'm becoming more and more convinced as I read more information about it.  I've been thinking about it, but continued putting it off, because I didn't have time to cook.  Bigger issue - I hate cooking, but the end results are so much more rewarding when you had to overcome a challenge, right?

So once again - prayers are ALWAYS accepted :)  Life's such a wonderful roller coaster right now, but I'm very thankful for the friends and family who've supported me through all of my life's journeys.  Without a doubt, I'm one blessed southern gal!